LIFESTYLE: Simple Acts of Kindness To Brighten Someone’s Day…

“Be the reason someone smiles today…”

I like to describe random acts of kindness are those lovely surprising little pockets of joy in the day when someone unexpectedly smiles at you, gives way to you, or gives you a sweet compliment.

This blog post is actually inspired by a random act of kindness which I experienced today. Someone gave way to me on the bus after many people were pushing through ahead of me. It was only little but it made me smile and was a refreshing surprise!

So here’s a challenge for you – perhaps choose one of the random act of kindness below to do each day this week whilst you’re up and about. You’ll find you feel really good about yourself too! πŸ™‚


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Once you are finished reading a book you enjoy, recommend or lent it to a friend who’s a bookworm too.

Text or call a friend that you haven’t spoken to in a while to say hello.

Offer to make your co-workers tea when you’re on break.

If you’re in the baking mood, set aside a few of the goodies you’ve made to wrap up nicely and drop off at your neighbours or a friend’s house who lives nearby! It’ll be a lovely (and delicious) surprise to find on their doorstep.

Compliment someone on their outfit, makeup, or something else you like about them. It’ll make them smile!

When you make eye contact with strangers, remember to smile.

Run an errand or make a meal for a friend or family member who is busy.

Kindly let the person beside or opposite you through first (whether it be the door, public transport, lines, etc).

Bake some sweet treats (like muffins, cookies, bliss balls) and deliver them to your local friends or neighbours. It’ll be a lovely surprise!

Do your best to make other’s feel part of the conversation, particularly if it’s a big group or social gathering.

Keep in touch with your friends when they’re not feeling well.

Pay for the coffee of the person in line behind you.

Offer your seat on public transport for another passenger.

Write a positive review of a business you like, whether it be small businesses, podcasts, or commenting on blogs or other content. Let’s share the love!


I hope you enjoyed this week’s lifestyle blog post and found some inspiration for making someone’s day! πŸ™‚

Daisy Chain Daydreams xox

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